Join My 3-Day

'Catapult Your Confidence' Challenge So That You Can Ignite Your Happiest And Most Fulfilling Life!

Enter your name and email address below now to sign-up and secure your free place

By signing up to join this free challenge you consent to receive regular emails from Tara Rule with updates and free resources relating to work-life balance, with the occasional promotion for products and events. You can unsubscribe at any time. View the detailed privacy policy in the footer.

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Are you a motivated busy professional who wants more CONFIDENCE so that you can elevate to the next level of CAREER SUCCESS and HAPPINESS?


It’s a new year and a great time to decide that this year, is THE year that you grow in confidence and take your career to the next level,

...which is why I’m excited to be running this free challenge to catapult your confidence!


Yes! I Want More Confidence!

If you’re really honest with yourself, do you find yourself nodding when I ask you these questions?

âś“ Do you put a huge amount of pressure on yourself?
âś“ Do you feel like you’re lucky but also like you’re a fraud?
âś“ Do you come across confident but feel that you’re not confident on the inside?

Yes That's Me!
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And do you want to...

âś“ Feel great about yourself
âś“ Have an inner confidence like never before
âś“ Feel excited about your future

Then join my 'Catapult Your Confidence' challenge!

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The Challenge Details


Where: I’ll be going live in a new pop up facebook group on Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th February

When: 8pm UK time each evening for 20 minutes

What: I'll be bringing you a burst of positivity and setting you a confidence challenge each day so you can boost your confidence


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Sign Up To Register For The 3-Day 'Catapult Your Confidence' Challenge Starting On 5th February 2024!

Enter your name and email address below now to sign-up and secure your free place

By signing up to join this free challenge you consent to receive regular emails from Tara Rule with updates and free resources relating to work-life balance, with the occasional promotion for products and events. You can unsubscribe at any time. View the detailed privacy policy in the footer.