Free Must Have Resource For Busy Professionals Who Are Ready For More

Feeling Overwhelmed And Ready To Take Back Control Of Your Life?

Download your free 'Prioritisation Toolbox' now so you can:

✓ Get more hours back in your day to spend on the people and things that matter to you most

 ✓ Understand the difference between 'urgent' and 'important' and how to prioritise like a pro so that everything is taken care of

✓ Increase your confidence, find your balance and take control of your life and career!

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A Note From Tara

I’m often asked, ‘How do you do it all?’ by ‘all’ they mean, bring up two young girls, have a successful career, coach and mentor people, set up my own business, write a blog and still go out drinking cocktails with friends! While doing it all with a smile on my face!

The truth is I don’t do it all! I prioritise ruthlessly EVERY day. I have boundaries and non-negotiables. I have a great support network, outsourcing where possible. And I’ve spent time and money investing in me. To understand what I love, how I can develop, grow, be happy and feel balanced.

I've reached Senior Director in a large global corporate, have 17 years experience in Tech, am a qualified professional coach, positive psychology coach and accountant. A confident public speaker (although there's a story there!) and winner of Women in Sales Awards, best Sales Mentor.

I'm passionate about helping busy professionals grow in confidence and take control of their careers so that we can bring up the next generation of happy, confident humans!

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Are you ready for more?


Create your perfect work life balance and start prioritising like a pro simply by using the 10 easy tools I lay out in this guide.


It's time to create your own rule book!

Are you ready for more?


Create your perfect work life balance and start prioritising like a pro simply by using the 10 easy tools I lay out in this guide.


It's time to create your own rule book!

Here's What Others Are Saying...

Zen Mian - Senior Ecommerce Merchandising Manager, Adobe

Working full-time whilst looking after a toddler has always been a real challenge for me. Mentally and physically I was always exhausted, unsatisfied or feeling guilty about daily decisions.

Tara's powerful coaching techniques very soon helped me find my balance between work and life, build my confidence and create boundaries. I am now able to be much more productive both at home and work and feel more fulfilled and accomplished than ever.

I finally feel in control of my life!

Lindsay Guest, Switzerland

If you’re reading this to decide about working with Tara … then go for it now!

Being coached by Tara has been such a privilege, it has been amazing.

She has an incredible ability to cut through the jumble of confused thoughts and help you find clarity and a way forward.

Tara always remains calm and her approach is warm, insightful and practical all at the same time. I cannot recommend coaching with Tara enough!